Super Antique

Super ANTIQUE short information

The definition of antique defines an element that was made or being used hundreds years ago. The word super antique is nothing but an expression. It is used for describing the elements or something whose age can be counted in a century.

For instance, the antique advertisement signs being sold through the online market.

By most legal and business standards, for something to be considered *“antique”* , it (typically) has to be a minimum of 6o years old and typically it's primary value must be it's age. That is why we sometimes see “antique personal computers". They may only be from the 1970s or 80s, and therefore not 60 years old, but their primary value is that they are very old for a computer (and typically rare).

They aren't something the owner can really use, but they are cool to own because… “ancient computer from the before times". Antique phones, antique butter churns… Pretty much anything that is obsolete, but treasured for its history.

EURI Inernational well experienced team working with us to arrange and suppling Super Antique and Rare Super Antique items for you from all over the world. with all legal formalities being completed with the concern authorities. .